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A Degree Absolute!

May 12, 2021

Pride Goethe before a fall. To boldy Goethe where no one has gone before.

Just how well do you know your Johann Wolfgang von Goethe?

Patrick Cargill is back from "Many Happy Returns" and in Number Six's crosshairs after he drives a woman to suicide two minutes into the episode. And so begins Six's campaign of vengeance via psychological warfare.

>Featuring Basil Hoskins as Number Fourteen, the man who challenges Six to an ostensibly (per the script) dirty, not-according-to-Hoyle game of... Kosho.

Written by Roger Woddis

Directed by Pat Jackson Original airdate December 1, 1967

Write to the Citizens Advice Bureau at adegreeabsolute dot gmail!

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Our song: "A Degree Absolute!"

Music and Lyrics by Chris Klimek
Arranged by Casey Erin Clark and Jonathan Clark
Vocals and Keyboards by Casey Erin Clark
Guitar, Percussion, Mixing by Jonathan Clark
Bass by Marcus Newstead